Thursday, February 24, 2011

Learn to be Present

In the midst of the winter doldrums for many it's interesting to think about what people can do to dig themselves out of the well of hopelessness.

Dave Pollard at How to Save the World provides 'ten things to do when you are feeling hopeless.' Several perceptive strategies include:

Give up hope: That’s right, get off the hope/despair roller coaster and realize once and for all: It’s hopeless! You should have known when a U.S. presidential candidate won an election on a platform of mere hope that it was time to give it up. Embrace hopelessness! It’s OK! It makes sense. But we can, should, and must still be intentional, responsible, and joyful....

Be good to yourself: ...So ease off. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. Give yourself a break. Pamper yourself. Celebrate the fact that you’re smart enough, informed enough, strong enough, sensitive enough to feel utterly hopeless.

Avoid unactionable news and self help books: ... And while you’re dispensing with hopeless reading, throw out all those so-called “self-help” books with their glib prescriptions for how you should live. They don’t work! You are the way you are for a reason. It’s absurd to hope that some stupid book is going to change it....

Of course, many other vibrant options exist which include going for a brisk walk at a nearby park (preferably with a loved one or a pet), visiting someone who needs more hope than you, enjoying some tea while watching your favourite LOL TV show....

Via Utne Reader: Celebrate the best of the alternative press.